Gilbert("Eat, Pray, Love")
T.O.C.Teatro Orto Campeggio
(Theater Vegetable garden, Camping)
We give members the opportunity to spend a useful vacation, in exchange
for an hour of work in the social garden and a small contribution for
electricity and water costs.
GOAL/MISSION: A lot of veggies, ZERO waste
It’s a project by the MU Cultural Association born mainly to let
the members embrace an “agricultural” lifestyle, living
of the products of the shared vegetable garden together with cultural
activities such us theatre and sleeping in the camping area that host
3 pitches.
The project’s goal is living a “farm experience” that
will be able to minimize the production of waste, growing and eating
your own vegetables instead of the sealed ones in plastic package that
the great distribution is spreading all over our planet.
To take part to the experience it’s compulsary being a member
of the Association, following the rules settlement, contribute to the
expenses and to the management of the project: plants and seeds purchasing,
gardening tools, water and electricity bills.
How can I take part?
Here's what your job time is
Sowing and harvesting
Room cleaning
Structural maintenance
Bricolage (Construction of tables, chairs, signs)
Artwork and realization of decorative elements
Garbage management
Extraordinary beach cleaning
Classification of floral and animal species
Website and social media management
Organization of small events
Activities to raise awareness of respect for nature
Please, read the rules and then fill
the form